Know the platform (hardware/software) and the applications
Acquire various study resources of the subject:
Study the need and history of the subject
Identify the category of the subject among the below:
Any subject contains one or more blocks of knowledge:
Block = Knowledge burst + Understanding + Implementation + Exploring/Experimenting
Theory and concept may have single block of knowledge whereas, the rest may have multiple knowledge blocks.
While learning a block, there may be few tough parts that one cannot understand immediately. They are called holes. As we are proceeding to study, holes increased.
Without implementing one knowledge block, if you go to next block, you will find too many holes in it, which finally results to poor understanding on the subject.
Take gaps between the blocks but not in between one block; other wise it leads to ambiguity of concepts.
For every three to four months, once we have to recall the subject for not loosing it permanently.
Operating systems Design and Implementation :
Learning Computer Programming is a common need for people today. You may need C, C++ or VB Programming for your academic or you may be studying any independent Computer course for your future. Even after attending classes, if you are not able to master the programming, this material really helps you. The readers of this material are assumed as beginners in Programming.
Too small programs can be written only with main() without needing to define any external functions.
Medium and large Programs can be written into multiple Functions
If you write the Programs using Functions
To design the functions, remember the below principles:
Solving a Problem through programming requires these steps:
These three aspects are explained below
Inputs of a program can be taken from one of the below things, sometimes it can be few of below or all:
Before making the logic of the program, you must recall the set of language constructs and libraries that may be useful in the program.
Output may be displayed immediately or at the end or written to any secondary media such as file.
API seems to be very much similar to the built-in libraries of programming languages, comprising in-built functions to perform certain operations. However, an API differs from an ordinary library in below aspects:
An API can be characterized with below features:
Life Cycle - since the primary interest of an API is to interface with a resource or system concept; accordingly a life-cycle specification is provided. For example, for file-I/O, we must follow the order of opening buffers, performing I/O and closing them. One cannot perform I/O without opening the buffers. Thus, programmer is restricted to follow a predefined order for the usage of API functions.
Data types - If an API is meant for the interaction with a system resource or hardware, there must be a data type defined in that API to resemble that resource or hardware. For example, file-I/O API contains FILE data types may be C structures, Unions or C++ classes, which depends on the programming language for which API is written.
Handles - Although resource data types are given, their variables cannot be directly used to process the resource. One solution is to use the same data type pointers as handles. For example, to send a file can be used. Sometimes, the underlying resources may not any memory or attributes to be explicitly maintained. For such resources, handles can be simple integers comprising their identification details, rather than its data type pointers. For example to handle sockets, we use an integer called socket descriptor.
Factory Functions – A Function that creates a certain user-defined type variable’s instance and returns its handle is known as a factory function. The primary use of these factory functions is to avoid the code overheads for initializing the attributes of the data type. The handle returned by the factory functions can be captured into a program variable. For example, fopen is a factory function that returns a FILE pointer.
Life Cycle Functions – For changing the state of the resource and to make certain standard operations on the resource, few life-cycle functions are defined in API. For example, to close the file buffer fclose(), to rewind the pointer to update or clear the buffer fflush(), etc. the Life-cycle functions may not be used for data transfer with respect to the resource, rather they may not be used to control the resource.
Resource-I/O functions – With few resources such as files, network sockets we may need to make data transfers. API provides few resource-I/O functions for this purpose. For example, fprintf() and fscanf() are used to make file-I/O.
Transformation functions – sometimes one particular resource may be represented with multiple data types with different formats. In such case, conversion or transformation between them is possible through transformation function. For example on UNIX/LINUX Platforms time is represented by using two data types: time_t represents long format time and struct tm represents formatted time. The function localtime() converts time_t type time into the other type.
Constants – To represent certain predefined, fixed or constrained values, few constants such as macros are defined in API's. Eg: SEEK_OFFSET, SEEK_BEG, SEEK_SET.
To make a set of specification and designs primitives for writing API's and when to take a factory function and when to take an initialization function.
For many students including engineering and any bachelor degree in computers, C++ is an academic subject for their studies. Few people may need to attend for job interviews on C++ platforms. For all the above people this material would help to get comprehensive knowledge about C++ classes. Though I used to provide this material to my C++ students since past five years, I have decided to keep it in a global location, which is main intention behind keeping it here.
I have i made a beautiful presentation about the strategies of TOP known company...i just writing here in brief..if any body wants i can give ppt with good images..too...
"dares to contrarily create and nurture a space that others overlooked or even rejected"
Growth has no limit – keep revising your vision
Nurture and motivate the youth
Build competencies
Break out of your orbit
Reject incremental thinking
Be humble
Achievement is history. Look ahead
“Connect + Develop”
"riginal thinking & unconcentional IT strategy"
"nformation without barriers"
“For turning dreams into reality “
The Dreamer The Realistic The Critic
The Dream:
Step 1. Go into Dreaming Mode
Step 2. Go into Realist Mode
Step 3. Go into Critic Mode
Step 4. Back into the Dreaming Space
Step 5. Back into the Realist's Space
Step 6. Back into the Critic's Space
Step 7. Getting Your Act Together
Walt Disney's Quotations:
"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do. And one thing it takes to accomplish something is courage.“
"We allow no geniuses around our Studio.“
"I never called my work an 'art' It's part of show business, the business of building entertainment."
"Connecting People"
"Advertising strategy is to focus on human rather than technology."
What is VAT?
It is a multi-point sales tax with set off for the tax paid on purchases.
Under single-point system of tax levy, the manufacturer or importer of goods into a State is liable to sales tax. There is no sales tax on the further distribution channel. But in VAT tax is levied on each of the entities in the supply chain . Only the value addition in the hands of each of the entities is subject to tax.
Value Added Tax (VAT) came into existence from April 01, 2005.Most of the Indian States have replaced Sales tax with a new Value Added Tax (VAT) from April 01, 2005.
Features of VAT
VAT is levied on the sale of movable goods .
VAT is imposed on goods only and not services and it has replaced sales tax.
VAT is an indirect tax .
VAT is a centrally-administered tax with a revenue-sharing mechanism
Collected in installments at each transaction in the production-distribution cycle.
Does not have cascading (tax on tax) effect due to the system of deduction or credit mechanism.
Necessity of VAT
It prevents businessmen to evade paying taxes. They will also be compelled to keep proper records of their sales and purchases.
Elimination of Cascading of taxes : Lower cost
Uniform and Simple Tax Law
Transparent System : Improved Tax Compliance
Increased Revenue Collections
Foster the Indian Common Market
Computation Methods
THE SUBTRACTION METHOD:- The tax rate is applied to the difference between the value of output and the cost of input.
THE ADDITION METHOD: The value added is computed by adding all the payments that is payable to the factors of production (viz., wages, salaries, interest payments etc).
TAX CREDIT METHOD: This entails set-off of the tax paid on inputs from tax collected on sales
Value Addition
Tax charged = 10% of 200
from you =20
SALES = 250
Tax charged = 10% of 250
From customer = 25
Out of Rs. 25 charged from the customer, you will pocket
Rs. 20 (tax paid at the time of purchase) and pay balance
Rs. 5 to the department.
VAT Slabs
550 items covered
270 items of basic needs, like medicine, drugs, agro & industrial inputs, capital & declared goods 4% VAT
Rest 12.5% VAT.
Gold & silver jewellery - 1%
VAT Limitations
VAT is regressive
VAT is too difficult to operate from the position of both the administration and business
VAT is inflationary
VAT favours the capital intensive firm
VAT sparkle varies State by state
What i think....
VAT Tax rates should be made uniform in all states.
Government should run awareness programs to help know end consumer and business men VAT benefits.
Persons maintaining their accounts on computer must ensure that proper back up record is maintained.
Abolition of CST
Full tax credit for inputs as well as capital goods, in the period of purchase
Basel II Framework
The first pillar deals with maintenance of regulatory capital calculated for three major components of risk that a bank faces: credit risk, operational risk and market risk.
The second pillar deals with the regulatory response to the first pillar, giving regulators much improved 'tools' over those available to them under Basel I. It also provides a framework for dealing with all the other risks a bank may face, such as systemic risk, pension risk, concentration risk, strategic risk, reputation risk, liquidity risk and legal risk, which the accord combines under the title of residual risk.
The third pillar greatly increases the disclosures that the bank must make. This is designed to allow the market to have a better picture of the overall risk position of the bank and to allow the counterparties of the bank to price and deal appropriately.
What I thinks......
The New Accord’s risk management requirements are likely to prompt significant changes in the core business of an individual bank as well as in its organizational structure. Under Basel II, the “outputs” of better management of credit and operational risk will be the “inputs” of an economic capital model by which banks can allocate capital to various functions and transactions depending on risk. This new focus on risk will likely have broad implications for institutions not obliged to comply with Basel II as well as customers and the capital markets.
Aside from new or altered methods that must be employed, the new capital requirements will also drive change in resource needs, processes, and IT system architecture. These changes could ultimately pose broad challenges for a bank’s board of directors and its senior management, who are charged with new risk management and reporting responsibilities under the New Accord. These senior leaders will need to consider how Basel II compliance could (or should) integrate with other efforts they are making to improve corporate governance.
Walldrof is well aware about its responsibilities towards environment. We are making strides to conserve energy and better our environment. We work differently and we use our resources sustainably. Our ways have enabled us to save energy along with generating awareness among others. We have been clear about our role in generating awareness not only among our partners and Industry co-players, but also in society.
“Waste paper reuse and recycling not only saves environment but also reduces costs”
India has emerged as the fastest growing paper market in the world showing a 10 per cent growth in per capita paper consumption. From 7.5 kg per capita consumption in 2007-08, the figure has gone up to 8.3 kg.
India produces around 15 million tones of waste paper every year and the recovery of waste paper in India is low at 26% compared as compare to Germany (80%), Sweden (69%),Japan (60%),USA (49%),Thailand (45% ) and China at 38%. Low recovery is on account of alternate use of paper in wrapping, packing, etc. Lack of source segregation results in waste paper getting contaminated and becoming unusable!
Obviously, there are significant opportunities hidden for paper recovery and recycling.
As per projected demand for paper in India, country would need around 15 MT of paper by 2015. Waste Paper recycling is a great option for our country as it helps us to meet our global environmental commitments as well as reduces costs significantly. If we were to reach China’s current level of recovery, then we should be recovering 5.7 million tones of waste paper for reuse by then.
Walldrof has launched its Waste Management Program with aim to recover around 0.1MT during 2009.Company has also decided to plant one lakh trees during July –August 2009.
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