    The place where CEO's meet !

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Become an Author

Ceolivetalk is looking for writers/bloggers/journalists who are experts and can regularly cover topics related to computer software, management,web applications, consumer gadgets and new media.

If you have great ideas and want to make regular contributions, you can join Ceolivetalk as a guest author and submit articles at your own convenience for publication on the main blog. 

As a guest writer, you won’t be paid for your contributions but it can help get more exposure for your blog or your brand on the Internet. All guest articles will include a brief bio of the author and a link to his or her web site for some extra publicity but before you start writing a guest post, please do send me a brief outline of the same.

Some quick guidelines before your apply:

1. If you are planning to cover news that is already well known on the Internet, add thoughtful analysis to your story or explore it from an angle that other publications may have missed.

2. Avoid using complex jargon and, as far as possible, write evergreen content. 

3. It’s always nice to have some screenshot images and/or screencast videos in articles that are about how-to’s and software reviews .

4. While there’s no minimum word limit, your contributions should have at least three or more paragraphs of text. 

5. If you quote some text from another source, always give full credit with an hyperlink. Never attempt to rehash someone else’s content or idea.

How to Apply:

Ceolivetalk can be a great place to share ideas and opinions on technology related topics with the world.

To apply, just send an email to with some writing samples or include links to any of your previously published work on the Internet. Also write a little bit about your background, a list of topics that you want to cover and how often can you contribute to the site.
